The collection of scientific works "Military Historical Bulletin"

Електронні версії видання доступні за адресою:

Founder and publisher: the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi.

Established: 2011

Registration: State Registration Service of Ukraine (certificate КВ No. 17864-6724Р).

Languages of publication: Ukrainian, English.

Frequency: 4 times a year.


The thematic focus of the journal:

Methodological issues of military historical science;

the history of wars, individual military campaigns and development, combat, organizational mobilization training, military command and control, comprehensive support of military (combat) operations and combat use of the armed forces, their services and branches, and other power structures;

the development of laws, regularities, principles, forms and methods of armed struggle;

military history of Ukraine.




Military Historical Bulletin

Address of Editorial board:

The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi,
Research Center for Military History,
28, Povitroflotskyi prospekt, Kyiv, 03049.
Contact number: (044) 271-09-47.

Електронна адреса редакції:

Електронні версії видання доступні за адресою: