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The 51th NATO Conference of Commandants (CoC) is started on 17 MAY 2022 by the German Führungsakademie in Hamburg. The Commandants will address “Resilience within Education” as the overarching topic.The priority areas for improving the educational process identified during the conference, in the tradition of annual cooperation between our educational institutions, will be implemented in the educational activities of the university.
The forty-sixth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military invasion continues.
In order to improve the skills of financial and economic bodies` representatives of the MoD`s and the General Staff`s structural units, students` training in professional military education and advanced training on the financial support organization for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been launched. The courses are held in the National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi.
On December 24, nine officers-candidates for the L3 Leadership Course completed their four-week intensive training in the English-speaking group.
On December, 13, 2021 аn online meeting with experts from the NATO Bureau for International Language Coordination (BILC) was held at the Foreign Language Education and Research Centre on the results of the refresher course for teachers and researchers of military educational institutions of Ukraine on issues of language testing in accordance with NATO STANAG 6001.
1On December 16, 2021, the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi hosted the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Application of Space and Geographic Information Systems in the Interests of National Security and Defense" together with Esri Ukraine.
Today, on 6 of December 2021, a delegation of the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovskyi, headed by the Deputy Head of the University for Academic Affairs major-general Serhii Salkutsan with the support of NATO's Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP), took part in an event to discuss countering issues of hybrid war in the modern security environment, taking place at the Croatian Defense Academy named after Dr. Franco Tudjman.
Lecturers of the Joint Special Operations University of the United States Special Operations Command, in cooperation with the Department of Airborne Troops and Special Operations Forces academic staff held a seminar at the University.
The Institute of Troops (Forces) Support and Information Technologies of the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi is holding a seminar on reviewing logistics support training programs within the framework of the NATO program “Defence Education Enhancement Program” (DEEP) on 1-3 December 2021.
From November 25 to December 22, 2021, in the Institute of Troops (Forces) and Information Technologies of the National Defence University of Ukraine Ivan Chernyakhovskyi an online refresher course on logistics planningis conducted using an ADL platform.
According to the University’s curriculum on November 25, 2021, the Department of Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops of the Aviation and Air Defence Institute held the scientific and practical seminar "Problem issues of the conditions, combat use of the Anti-Aircraft missile troops units and possible ways of solutions to the stated problems".
According scientific and scientific-technical activities of the University, the scientific practical-seminar was held at the Department of Air Force Logistics on November 24, 2021.
V International Scientific and Practical Conference: "Application of space and geographic information systems in the interests of national security and defense" will be held on December 16, 2021, online using the Zoom service. Detailed information on the conference, conditions of participation, registration, and requirements for abstracts are posted on the website of the scientific-practical conference
On November 24, the Department of Space and Geo-informational Support of the Institute of Troops (Forces) Support and Information Technologies conducted a practical lesson with the students of operational and strategic level who are studying the speciality "National Security (for certain areas of support and activities)" at the National Centre for Space Management and Spacecraft Testing.
The Language Testing and Research Centre of the Foreign Language Education and Research Center of the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi has launched an online language testing advanced and professional course for scientific and pedagogical personnel in accordance with NATO standard STANAG 6001 (STANAG 6001 Language Testing Course). .
According to the university’s curriculum on November 11 in 2021, the Department of Air Force of the Institute of Aviation and Air Defence held the scientific and practical workshop on "Problems of application of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukrainein modern conditions".
According to the university curriculum from 27 to 29 October, 2021, in the military units of the air command “Centr” of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and in the training and certification center of Ukraerorukh, practical classes were held with the students of state military management and aviation and air defence institutes, as well as senior management courses of strategic level L-4 and joint staff officer courses of operational level L-3.
On 25-29th of October, the course "The organization and implementation of public procurement" was held in the Defence Management Research and Education Center of the University with the participation of the Defense Procurement Reform Project supported by the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom. The course was attended by authorized persons and specialists of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces of Ukraine who are responsible for the organization and conducting of procurement procedures.
The Aviation and Air Defence Institute held an international scientific and practical conference on the discussion of the possibility of gaining an advantage in the air, countering air threats, the use and logistics of aviation and air defence in operations.
From October 18 to October 23, 2021 the first module of Advanced Training Course on the Organization and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages for English Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions – Professional Development Course for English Language Teachers (hereinafter – PDCELT) is held at the National Defenсe University of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the PDCELT). Due to the epidemiological situation in the country, the 1st module is online.
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Щороку в останню суботу листопада український народ схиляє голову в скорботі, згадуючи одну з найтрагічніших сторінок історії нашої держави. Цей день нагадує нам про страшну ціну, яку заплатила Україна за своє право бути вільною, незалежною та суверенною. Для нас, військовослужбовців, пам’ять про ті події є особливою відповідальністю. Ми повинні бути надійним щитом для нашої держави, щоб жодна трагедія такого масштабу ніколи більше не повторилася на нашій землі.
Щороку в останню суботу листопада український народ схиляє голову в скорботі, згадуючи одну з найтрагічніших сторінок історії нашої держави. Цей день нагадує нам про страшну ціну, яку заплатила Україна за своє право бути вільною, незалежною та суверенною. Для нас, військовослужбовців, пам’ять про ті події є особливою відповідальністю. Ми повинні бути надійним щитом для нашої держави, щоб жодна трагедія такого масштабу ніколи більше не повторилася на нашій землі.
27 липня 2024 року відбулося урочисте складання Військової присяги на вірність Українському народові у стінах Національного університету оборони України студентами кафедри військової підготовки. Протягом 2 років 322 студенти проходили підготовку за програмою підготовки офіцерів запасу за 11 військово-обліковими спеціальностями, закріпили набуті знання під час навчальних зборів та успішно завершили навчання складанням випускного іспиту. Відважні хлопці та дівчата присягнули на вірність українському народові, вкладаючи у кожне слово особливий сенс, щирість та міць майбутніх захисників та захисниць держави. У хвилюючі моменти випускників кафедри військової підготовки завітали підтримати батьки, друзі, близькі.
Learning English is essential for scientists, not only for fostering global communication and collaboration in research, but also for the effective dissemination of knowledge. Mastery of English provides access to a broad spectrum of scientific literature and resources, which are predominantly available in English, thus enabling scientists to contribute to and benefit from the global scientific community. 'Science at Risk' and the Regional English Language Office/U.S. Embassy, Ukraine, launched an intensive course for Ukrainian scientists to improve their English language proficiency. Our focus is to improve your speaking level so you can present confidently at conferences and engage effectively with your international colleagues. Our goal is to elevate your speaking skills from a B1 to a B2 level. It is FREE to participate!
Триденний ознайомчий англомовний Курс про досвід сучасної російсько-української війни на базі Національного університету оборони України днями організували для представників аташату країн, акредитованих в нашій державі, учасників Київської асоціації військових аташе (КАВА). Участь представників дипломатичного корпусу у Курсі є вагомим чинником задля посилення регіональної безпеки. Колективний аналіз та координаційна робота допоможуть краще зрозуміти спільні виклики та спільні можливості для розбудови безпечного євроатлантичного простору, в якому Україна є і буде сильним партнером.
The 51th NATO Conference of Commandants (CoC) is started on 17 MAY 2022 by the German Führungsakademie in Hamburg. The Commandants will address “Resilience within Education” as the overarching topic.The priority areas for improving the educational process identified during the conference, in the tradition of annual cooperation between our educational institutions, will be implemented in the educational activities of the university.
The next issue of the NATO Integrity Program (VI) Bulletin № 13, winter 2022, has been published. The publication covers events organized by NATO's Integrity Program together with Colombia, Georgia, Jordan, the Republic of Moldova, Peru, Tunisia and Ukraine since the end of 2021.
The forty-sixth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to a russian military invasion continues.
There were at least a thousand people, and Donetsk residents were being evacuated to safer regions of Ukraine. Dozens of dead. More than a hundred people were injured. There were children among them...
On February 17, ten more servicemen from military units and command organizations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine completed a three-day workshop for language training instructors at the Department of Foreign Languages, received the relevant certificates and departed for their duty stations.
On February 7, 2022, the Elective Course on ADL technologies implementation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine was launched at the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi to meet the requirements of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the field of transformation of sergeants’ individual training
From February 7 to February 9, 2022 within the framework of the “Modern Information Environment” module, the military students of L-3 Joint Operations Staff Officers Training Course of the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi mastered the basic principles of civil-military cooperation in NATO and in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The graduation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine servicemen who were trained in the foreign language courses at the retraining and improving qualification centre, was held at the University.
On February 3, the Foreign Languages Education and Research Centre of the National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi hosted the graduation ceremony of another group of trainees who had completed a training course for part-time language training instructors of military units and management bodies of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The program of this three-day course involved studying the basics of organization and methods of teaching English to military audiences. This time, the graduates of the course were nine servicemen, who will shortly commence teaching English to their colleagues in their units. As decided by Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, designated military personnel of the Armed Forces, except conscripts, have now possibility to start studying English, now being a subject of their individual training, under the guidance of language training instructors – directly at their duty stations.
In order to improve the skills of financial and economic bodies` representatives of the MoD`s and the General Staff`s structural units, students` training in professional military education and advanced training on the financial support organization for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been launched. The courses are held in the National University of Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi.
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